Green Availability
The green is generally available from 10.30am till dusk, seven days a week. We cut the green Mon/Wed/Fri mornings.
The sections below tell you when there are specific uses for the green, but you soon get used to the rhythm of the week.
Social Bowling
Gent's afternoons are Monday and Friday. Ladies' afternoons are Tuesday and Thursday. These sessions run from 2pm to 4pm, with a break around 3pm for a cup of tea and a chat. Members arrive by 1.45pm, and the captain draws doubles pairings randomly. You get to know lots of people that way.
The green is reserved for league play from 10.30am till 1pm on Tuesdays.
The rest of the time (all day Wednesday, evenings and weekends) is for mixed social bowling, on a turn up and play basis.
Internal Team Matches
We play a number of team matches within the club, such as President's team v Captain's team and Ladies v Gents. These are in the Club calendar.
Local Friendlies
We play Gents, Ladies and Mixed matches against four local clubs, home and away through the season. Whilst these are rival clubs, they are first and foremost fellow crown green bowlers. The matches are competitive, and they are also great social occasions, with friendships made and maintained through many years.
Internal Competitions
Our season kicks off with the Liz Edwards Spring Cup, which runs on Wednesday afternoons in April, with Finals on Mayday Bank Holiday. It helps to get everyone back into the swing of things after the winter break.
There are then twelve Gents, Ladies and Mixed, singles and doubles cup competitions that run through the summer. These culminate in Finals Weekend in late September. Matches are scheduled ad hoc, often after 11am or following the social afternoon session. Even if you're not playing, it's a great way to spend an hour or two on a sunny day, having a chat and watching some bowls.
League Bowling
We run two teams in the South West Birmingham over-60's league. Matches take place every Tuesday morning, May through to September. Roll-up starts around 10.30am and matches are generally complete by 1pm. The league players really do appreciate members who come down to support the club !